SEO Ranking Factors You should consider in 2019
Search engine optimization is a well-known term in Digital Marketing from years now. If you are running any website, then search engine optimization is essential for the ongoing success of your website. You could have the most attractive website in your industry, but if you have no traffic on it, it can become incompetent. So, in other words, you can say an “appropriate SEO” gives a heartbeat to your website. Now the question is why we use the term “appropriate” before SEO. As we Know SEO is the most adaptive strategy so far. New trends are born and influence the market every day. Google always devoted to being the finest search engine and try to create a difference every year. So, what’s the action plan we should follow for getting rank on google in 2019. Let’s discuss some of the new trends and ways to grasp them.
Mobile Friendliness:
This is one of the most important factors for getting ranked in 2019. According to this major change which Google announced in 2018, If Mobile version of your website is responsive, attractive, speedy and have better UI than it will be ranked on top of SERP(Search Engine Result Page). This change creates a lot of buzz in the market and majorly affected many websites in 2018. So make your website mobile friendly as there is no justification to procrastinate if you want your website to get ranked.
Page Speed:
This is another factor which can help your website for getting rank on google first page. You need to optimize your website speed on regular basis and fit it into Google’s performance parameters. If your website speed is slow, it will create a bad impression on users too. If your web page takes more loading time, the user would get irritated and immediately bounce from your website. According is Google your ideal page loading time should not be more than 2 sec. So, speed up your website and improve your server response time Today!
A brand can be considered as a ranking signal:
A good brand image is an essential need for every product and service-based website. You need to create a strong brand image, reputation, trust, advertising etc for your website so that Google can recognize your brand as a ranking signal. You can use the unlinked brand name in your SEO strategy to build a strong brand presence.
Amazon search:
This factor is new in the market and many people are not aware of it. Amazon is not a universal search engine but used for internal search within Amazon pages. According to a survey, 51% of customers visit amazon if they want to buy something. You can say, Amazon is now becoming Google of e-commerce these days. So, you can also include Amazon in your SEO strategy plan if you have a product-based website.
Rank Brain:
Last but not least, a Rank brain is one of the most powerful aspects in SEO so far. It is an artificial intelligence algorithm which is written into mathematical vectors, that can be understood by the computer. This program is used to help and process Google search engine queries. So your keyword selection is good enough according to search queries, Google will automatically rank your website in SERP.
These are some of the changes which can play an important role in ranking factor in 2019. You just need to use unique and interesting content on the website, regular updates and all these factors, we are sure your website ranked as No 1 on Google.
If you need to optimize your website kindly click on this for consultation