Uplift your Vue work-flow with the Extreme Features of Vue CLI 3

SunArc Technologies
3 min readJun 13, 2019


Nowadays, Developers are moving to VueJS from ReactJS to get the best experience with tooling. To make the developer’s life easier, React has created create-a-react-app which set up a full-blown project while concealing the internal tooling logics. While Vue has a Command Line Interface tool but that’s not as intuitive as expected.

The Vue team has launched a new version of that CLI, and the new CLI now offers the same as react’s create-a-react-app and much more.

To understand the entire thing about that, we need to be more explicit about the concept of Vue CLI3.

  • It’s a complete rewrite version of the Vue command line interface tool, which comes with a set of numerous new features. It makes Vue based project development and management hasslefree:
  • Great support for Bebel, Typescript, ESLint, PostCSS, PWA, Unit Testing & End-to-end testing.
  • The plugin system makes it easy to add standard features to any project.
  • It has a graphical user interface known as Vue UI, which is an alternative of the command line tool.
  • Executes single Vue files for the instant prototyping.
  • You can effortlessly ship native ES5 code for modern browsers or build your Vue components as essential web components.
  • It allows the Vue community to build and share reusable solutions to everyday needs.

You would wonder to this, that the creator of Vue framework Evan You is a former Angular developer. As Evan knew the weak points of Angular, he started work on an alternative of that, while keeping all its advantages. The newly created framework quickly backed extremely popular in his native country, China.

How the new Vue CLI simplifies development

The Vue team launched a new version of the CLI tool (3.0) which is entirely different from its previous version. And behind this release there are two to three primary goals:

  • To Reduce configuration fatigue of modern front-end tooling, especially when mixing multiple tools.
  • It combines the best practices in the toolchain as much as possible and becomes the default for any Vue app.

Why will Vue.js keep growing?

Vue turned out tasty enough to induce constant appetite in JS developers by building on the best ingredients of Angular, React and adding its unique spice to the mix.

Zero-config prototyping

Sometimes Codepen or CodeSandbox doesn’t accomplish your prototyping needs. One of the best features of Vue is you can get your prototype as quickly as possible. There are cases where developers want a real setup but less drama.

Easy configuration

You can easily expand or modify the build process configuration in the Vue.config.js file. You’ve to make sure that the data you keep at the root of your Vue project. With Vue, you can do things like changing the base URL and the build output directory. Moreover, you can extend the web pack configuration.

Flexible Development Environment

Web app based in Vue is built with the use of components. While it already gives you lots of flexibility and adaptability as per project needs, it’s single-file component is loosely coupled, which improves your code reuse and decrease development time. Such a dryer.

If you’ve any intention to scale in the future, then component-based architecture is ideal solutions for that. In Vue, building large scale apps requires using a modularized build system from the get-go. But Vue gives some flexibility to developers here because the bundlers recommended by Vue is Webpack or Browserify, which come with the ability to transform the source code with preprocessors of your choice later.



SunArc Technologies
SunArc Technologies

Written by SunArc Technologies

SunArc Technologies, the Leading Software Development Company is providing end-to-end IT services & solutions in multiple industries and domains.

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